
There is No Railroad! True for now, but not much longer. We’re currently working on introducing a railroad to the Overworld for Classic. This will debut first on Classic Facebook as a beta test. Players of the Facebook server will be able to try out the railroad while we work out any kinks or debug any problems. Once we decide that the railroad is in perfect working condition, it will be released onto Classic for iDevices.

Please note that the railroad will utilize Draisines, and not trains (at this point). No promises for trains either.

Edit: We are having troubles linking the railroads from the Overworld to inside levels. Working on that now, but it may take a little while.


Edit 2: No more problems! A very small section of the railroad has been uploaded onto the Classic Facebook server for BETA TESTING. This railroad links Graal City to Snowtown, making it an extremely short trek up that way!

Posted on August 8, 2011, in Development. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Yay railroads are fun!

  2. Niice

    here Danixfun
    cya !

  3. good job, it was a smart idea, hopefully you can work out the kinks and make a bigger one or continue on with the rail road from graalcity to snowtown

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